The Adventures of the Pickle & the Chickadee

The adventures of a little pickle and his sister chickadee in the big city. Living life with these two yahoos we call Mom and Dad.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Here I am!

Whew! Things have been busy. Grandma W complained that I hadn't written in a while so I had to get on it. I was taking care of mom on my own for a bit last week. Dad had to go down south for work and so I did my best to keep this house running. I made sure that mom still woke up about 2 am and helped her get plenty of exercise. I was pretty sneaky. I pretended that I didn't want to go to sleep so she would take me outside and walk up and down the block. It sure wore me out if it didn't wear her out! Dad's back in town though so I have a little help again.

I got to play with my friend Shannon this weekend. She's nice. We watched a little football and went for a nice walk to get ice cream. Again, she didn't let me have any but it looked good.

On Sunday I saw all my grandparents. It was nice. Grandma W played with me on the floor, we went for a walk. The Grandma and grandpa C came and I cuddled with Grandma C, the grandpa C took me outside so I could watch the leaves. It was a nice weekend.

I've been showing everyone that I can how to roll over. It's a pretty good way to get around I think. I'm working a bit on scooching on my belly. I bet that I have it mastered in about 2 weeks then everyone needs to watch out!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Today is my 1/2 birthday

6 months old! Yeah me. It was a pretty uneventful day, a little walk, a little nap some eating. The big news is that in honor of my 6 month birthday I got to eat peas for dinner. I'll be honest. I didn't really love them. In fact I think I might have gagged a bit. They were not quite what I was expecting. The battery is out on the digital camera or mom would have had a great picture. She has it on video though to show dad. He is in Alabama for a few days for work so he missed my first forage into vegetables. After mom mixed it with the cereal it was a little more tolerable. Mom and I went for a nice walk this evening. We went to the store because I was out of cereal. Without dad around mom is my only entertainment in the evening. I miss him and hope he gets home soon!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Two steps forward.... 1 roll back

I learned how to do two things this weekend. First I can fake cough! And .... I now roll to get where I want to go . Toy over there?! I'm on it... roll roll roll. Sometimes I have to circle it a bit but I get it eventually.
I saw Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Pete this weekend. Grandma watched me while everyone went to the football game. She brought me a special cushion that is just right to help me sit up. But don't think I'll stay in there for very long (roll roll roll). On Sunday we went out for breakfast. It was nice. Later that day we went to Uncle Kerry's for his birthday party. I saw all of Aunt Julie's family I didn't get to see Michael very much. He was busy visiting all his family. Mom ate cake and I sure would have liked a piece of that. I just get rice cereal. I'm starting veggies this week I hear!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Whew I had a busy weekend.

Saturday mom and dad went to the OSU game. I stayed home and Gma White and Natalie baby sat me. I had a good time. I love playing with Natalie. She likes to sing "I'm Dancin', I'm Dancin' " and I dance and stomp my feet.

Sunday we had a big party and I saw my cousins. Michael came and L and M. We played most of the afternoon. I saw Grandma and Grandpa. Grandpa got a new camera and he was snapping pictures all over the place. Mom and Dad's camera ran out of batteries so they don't have any pictures from the weekend. Grandma brought tirramsu for birthday cake and you should have seen my cousin M eat that cake. She loved it! You know it is going to be messy when they take off her shirt first! I have been eating rice cereal. It probably doesn't taste as good as cake. But I think it tastes fine!

Monday mom and dad had the day off. Dad had to do some work at home then we all went for a walk. We stopped in to see Sophia but she was sleeping. I got to play with her toys though! She has some fun ones. That evening we had the Barlow's over for dinner and I saw Molly. She's not quite sure what to think of me, but I like watching her. She is busy.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

I love science!

Yesterday Norma took me to COSI. I had a blast. We played at the water table for a long time. There were other babies there and I loved looking at them and smiling. When we were done I was wet! Then we went to the beach part and I put my feet in the sand. I wanted to eat the sand but Norma said no.

I am going to be sad at the end of September. Norma is leaving. She is moving to LA. I think she should stay and be my nanny.

I'm excited for this weekend. It is a three day weekend. That means more time with mom and dad! Yeah! My cousins are coming down on Sunday and we are going to play. I can't wait!