The Adventures of the Pickle & the Chickadee

The adventures of a little pickle and his sister chickadee in the big city. Living life with these two yahoos we call Mom and Dad.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Molly and me!

Today Norma was on vacation so I went and stayed with Miss Sarah, Mr. Matt, Molly and Hudson. I had a lot of fun over there. It is a noisy house! Molly has a dog named Hudson. I sure liked watching Hudson, I think I might need a dog of my own sometime. Mom says not yet and Dad pretty much says "never!" Molly let me play with her activity mat. It is different than mine, it has all sorts of stuff hanging off of it, but doesn't have the musical star. Did I mention Hudson? He's a dog. I liked him.

My Grandma got back from South Africa today too so we spent some time together. Look what my cousin Seth sent me! I'm sure that he knows how much I like to chew on stuff and this is just the perfect thing! How many babies get to chew on a Teddybock??

We went to dinner at Mozarts. While we were eating we saw our friends Erin and Elsa. They went to get ice cream at Denise's. I can't wait until I'm allowed to eat ice cream. Dad let me try his once and it sure was good!

Here's a picture of me and gma White.


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