The Adventures of the Pickle & the Chickadee

The adventures of a little pickle and his sister chickadee in the big city. Living life with these two yahoos we call Mom and Dad.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Back to the Grind

Mom was back to work today which meant that we were back on the old schedule. Up at 6:30 for some breakfast, Mom off to work by 7:15 a little Dad time and then Norma. I had gotten acustomed to sleeping in so by the time Norma showed up at 8 I was about ready for another nap. I got a bottle in before settling down for the next 3 hours. I don't like napping when mom is home, but when she is at work, I sleep most of the day, just waiting for her to get back. When I finally did get up Norma and I played. It was too hot to go outside so Norma blew bubbles for me in the house! That Norma. Then we had some tummy time, which I didn't mind so much and I showed Norma how I can roll from side to side on my exercise mat. Pretty soon it was time for me to nap some more, knowing that when I got up mom would be home.

After I woke up mom was home. Yeah! Then came dad. It was hot and sticky out so dad and I took a little walk. Then we all packed up and went to Roosters for dinner. I stayed in my car seat, which if you don't know, I HATE. But I had my frog with me and some rings so I stayed pretty well entertained the whole time mom and dad were eating. They didn't share any chicken wings with me though. But I did get a chance to stand on the table.

When we got home it was time for my bath and then I had to throw a fit for a good hour until mom finally took me out onto the porch where I fell right to sleep.


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