The Adventures of the Pickle & the Chickadee

The adventures of a little pickle and his sister chickadee in the big city. Living life with these two yahoos we call Mom and Dad.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!

Today is my parents 3rd anniversary. I told Norma that I wanted to get them something nice. Norma checked into it and it turns out that all the money I have is earmarked for college. So we had to do the next best thing and make them something. I painted them a picture. Here it is!
This is the second painting I have ever done. This one I decided to use my fists instead of my feet. Norma helped me by cutting out the vase and the flower stems from construction paper. My first painting was all me. I used my feet. Here it is. Don't you like the color selection and how you can see my toe prints? It was fun and my toe nails still have blue paint in them even after a bath!
I'm excited because Norma is going to babysit me tonight. Mom and dad are going out to dinner so Norma will put me to bed. Mom sure hopes that I go down easy and don't put up a big fight like I have been doing lately!

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!


At 2:53 PM, Blogger Indians Big Guy and Baby said...

I LOVE the paintings, Garrett! Good job! Such a good idea, you have a great nanny!


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