The Adventures of the Pickle & the Chickadee

The adventures of a little pickle and his sister chickadee in the big city. Living life with these two yahoos we call Mom and Dad.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Malabar Farms

Mom took us camping with Grandma and Grandpa again this week. We had a blast. We went geocaching and found two caches. We have to wait to get the pictures from grandpa to show you that. We had a great time bushwhacking around the woods. Momma found the first box and grandma and the chickadee found the second one.

At the farm we petted the animals. Chickadee was not too into the horses. But I liked them. Mom told me about this horse and how it has feathers on it's legs. I like to call them "those horses with wings on their feet.

My favorite part was riding on this tractor. They had the front wheels up so we could really turn the steering wheel.

I went fishing with Grandpa and he caught himself! We didn't catch anything else though.
We went on a wagon tour of the farm and also toured Louis Bromfields house. It was a great weekend. I can't wait to go again.

I helped Grandpa make breakfast one morning. Pay attention and see who was most likely to get eggshells in the eggs!


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